January 2016 Newsletter

December’s meeting was a club day with its usual theme of some people doing a turn and the rest of us wandering around, chatting, and asking questions of anyone who will listen. We all learn something new on these days which is what makes it interesting. Not much else to say really but there are a few photos, in the gallery, to describe the day.

I made a mistake in the last newsletter,
I probably make several in every newsletter but I think it is important that I correct this one.
I said we had raised a large lump of cash for MacMillan Cancer Research but in fact the money we raise at these events goes to the MacMillan Nurses.
Paul received a very nice letter from them thanking us for all our efforts and that this amount would place a nurse with a family for a week.
It’s nice to know just how worthwhile our efforts are.

Our next meeting is on Saturday 9th January 2016 and will kick off with the AGM. Once again it’s time to select your committee members for the next 12 months and if you want to see some changes, like a new secretary who might even get things right, now is your chance to do so.
If you want to propose someone for any of the positions on the committee you must first get their ok on it and have someone to second your proposal.

When this part of the show is over we have a Gent named Trevor Cox from TWAM, that’s Tools With A Mission to us lot.
Trevor will talk about what these people do and how all your old tools can go to help people who are less well off have a life.
That will take about an hour after which the rest of the day will be a normal club day doing what we do best on club days.

So, happy new year to everyone and I’ll see you all on the 9th.

Quite a few of you still haven’t sent me your subs for 2016 so if you get them flooding in to me I would be grateful. If you are not going to re-join please still send in the form with the sad news and I will see that you are rubbed out !!!!
